Saturday, December 31, 2005


Finally, it's that time of the year again - a time most eagerly awaited and yet a time of uneasy trepidition of what the future holds in store.

Temperatures may have dropped to cause a chill in the winter air, but the mood is laden with a hue of fragrances. Like a seasoned sommelier, I can tell that this aromatic bouquet has a tantalizing effect on my senses and an uplifting one on my spirits...

...that sweet whiff of nostalgic sentiment, the fresh aroma of renewed commitment and resolve to come back stronger in the coming year, that scented air of optimism laced with new-found purposefulness and that ever contagious brewing current of gusto and vigour.

Well, and what gives me reason to stay hopeful, you may dryly ask, in the face of the seductive and lathered trappings of the all engaging soap that is life? Of hope in the times of Sex crimes, AIDS, tsunamis, global warming, terrorism, corrupt governments and economic inequities...all demanding our immediate attention, like there was no tomorrow?

Well, I can't absolve myself completely of blame for being hooked on to this chequered gameboard of life - much like a pawn held captive by the grip that directs it. You see, now, that is a condition which is virtually universal. However, I have been a tad more fortunate than most to have seen people - (extra)ordinary people - summon the courage required of them to change the rules of the game and play by their terms rather than being played puppet in the hands of destiny.

Uncannily, each was, in their own way, unknown to them, called upon to play a key part in completing the on-going miracle - that of the triumph of human spirit - as it carefully unwound the canvas of their lives. That, in a subtle yet gritty display of what it took to make sense of their world in the face of a doom that stared them in the face at a point-blank range.

And where did they find courage to stay put through it all? To this, they all but said this: "It is was as easy or difficult as changing the point from which they viewed it."

Simple truth of life now, ain't that?

Fortunate are those who realise it. For they will begin to play their part in the larger scheme of things of life; a part that will largely define their lives thereon and bring meaning to it, in the light of the decisions they make.

For the rest, it would mean a mere "existence" in this otherwise 'instant-two-minute' and 'big-is-beautiful' world, wherein they'd remain content with admiring the wrappings and never look inside the box, failing to take cognition of the slow but definite little miracles that keep happened around them all the time!

Yet, all is not lost. For, if there was ever a time for rejeuvenation of the body, the mind or the heart, then this has to be it! For it is now - at New Year's - that the fountain of hope springs to life in its attempt to touch unfathomable heights and thereby unleash the greatest miracle of them all - that of human potential.

And so as the New Year dawns upon us, let us re-commit ourselves to strenghtening our bond with humanity and our belief in people. However more importantly than most, let us learn to believe in ourselves and ungrudgingly give ourselves a second chance. A chance to open our hearts to love and accept ourselves wholly and unconditionally.

For if miracles are to happen, we first need to believe that we're worthy of them and hope in them strongly enough for them to actually happen.

A figment of my imagination, you say? Well, to each his own. But for me, I can tell 'cause I've seen it ring true for me in more ways than one all through this past year.

Happy New Year everybody!

May the new year bring us all more of what we love. May the force be with us and many good things to us.

I sail over still waters,
forewarned they run deep…
Strength for ores, paddling life’s currents,
Amidst curdled thought but structured flow.
Confidence and fear battle it out,
amidst resilient efforts to win…
I journey the unknown,
In silent contemplation of sin.
Gravity hangs my head in shame,
Hope disappoints, leaving me lame.
Like a star having risen, when others have set,
I set forth to capture my time in fame
- Trevor Mark Fernandes

P.S: This entry is solely dedicated to all those beautiful people, knowing whom, made me a more complete person in the year that was. Thank you Ma, Pappa, Naana, Aabaa, Carol, Kiran, Nix, Nandu, Vinny, Praa, Preeti and Raji. There is so much I have learnt from each of you - Aloha!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too mate.

This a bi-monthly blog?

Anu said...

Happy New Year...n lets hope that this year there is more joy and less calamities affecting us


Zachattack said...

Thank you Trev, I learnt loads from you too..lotsa love.

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