Friday, June 14, 2019

Out at sea...

Moody blues
Sunset views
Emotions running high
Feelings churning anew

The wind in the hollow
Waves blanket the shore
A pit in the stomach
That unsure feeling once more

Life happens suddenly
People in it too
Bonds built in hope
Others broken, you rue

You learn,
You grow.
You become,
The flow

It isn’t easy
But life’s gotta’ go...
Crash into rocks sometimes
You have to battle the low

You’re the victim
You’re the muse
You’re the hero
Only you get to choose

Moving forward isn’t easy
Going backwards no more
Swimming the ocean of hope
Someday you’ll land ashore.


International Men’s Day: A Pause, Not a Celebration

The man in the mirror is tired. Not from lifting the world, but from pretending he can. Society loves its men stoic, predictable, and perhap...