Sunday, December 31, 2017

So long, Farewell 2017

As the old year makes way for the new, 
Pat yourself for having come through,
Acknowledge the hits, reflect on your misses too...
Remember life continues in the way it should,
You will nurse feelings of happiness at times and, also be subject to the blues...
New beginnings will be many, closures a few,
Don’t loose sight of the goal-post, but enjoy your journey too!

And that folks, in sum and substance, is my  new year message for you.
Wishing you the start of memorable journey as you draw the curtains on this one. 

- Mark.

Bon voyage!

International Men’s Day: A Pause, Not a Celebration

The man in the mirror is tired. Not from lifting the world, but from pretending he can. Society loves its men stoic, predictable, and perhap...