Friday, May 08, 2015

Being Human.

I have nothing personal against Salman Khan as a person but this I must say...what he did was wrong.

● WRONG to have indulged in drunken driving
● WRONG to have blatantly ignored warnings he got for speeding
● WRONG to have cowardly fled the scene after running the hapless sleeping pedestrian over
● WRONG to have gone into hiding for a week thereafter
● WRONG to have put up an alibi to cover up for him
● WRONG to have incessantly lied about the incident and misled the lawyers
● WRONG to have pretended to be innocent all this while
● WRONG to have not so much as even visited the family of the victim he murdered; that he never once compensated them is another matter altogether!

So, Salman my friend, is this what 'Being Human' finally adds up to?

To my mind, Salman, you missed an opportunity to truely showcase what 'being human' is all about.

You could have come clean about the truth and been man enough to accept the consequences of your actions. Not only would that have sent out the right message to the millions of fans you have out there but also, would have made you a true hero for all you're worth! Just imagine the influence you'd have had on impressionable minds out there who idolise you, had you done that.

And that, to my mind, is what 'BEING HUMAN' is all really about - that imperfect as we are in our lives and in our actions, we accept responsibility for it and make ammends in ways that show we're truely repentant because we still have a caring heart.

International Men’s Day: A Pause, Not a Celebration

The man in the mirror is tired. Not from lifting the world, but from pretending he can. Society loves its men stoic, predictable, and perhap...